A blog dedicated to making 2009 the Best Year Ever.

Flight, Physical Exertion and Fire

| Monday, January 26, 2009
Flight: 13 hours to Chicago, which was in the single digits, then 3 1/2 more hours to get home.  It wasn't nearly as bad as the way there, though.  That one was extremely painful.  Luckily I had some new DVDs for the way back which helped pass the time.

Physical Exertion: 5 hours after getting home from the airport, I left the house to run a half-marathon.  I did pretty well considering the time issues, but I could've done way better.  My heart rate was way too high for the pace I was running, and I think that's due to being so exhausted and completely unprepared the two days before.  I'm glad I did it, though, it was fun.

Fire: I was heating up some food tonight in one of those foil trays with the cardboard-y top.  I put it in the toaster oven and the top caught on fire. I unplugged the toaster oven and opened up the door to it and was greeted by some angry looking flames.  I moved it forward so it wouldn't make my cabinets catch fire and I told Gwen to get the extinguisher.  Luckily after a few seconds it burned itself out.  Toaster, cabinets and most importantly,  the food I was heating up were all fine.


mOnKeY said...

Holy cow! Sounds like you've had a great few days. Did you get any running in at all while in China? I can't imagine having done all that traveling and running after a measly 2 hours of sleep!

Robert said...

I exercised indoors in China. The air was so bad that I wanted none of running outside.

neets said...

that does sound like too interesting of a day! the rest of the week will be dull in comparison (hopefully!)

Lissette said...

You did great in the half-marathon. I had my whole entourage with me, and I had a good time.

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