- 7 1/2 hours of class per day is a lot, especially when you add in homework. At least we have some corporate visits the next couple of days to break up the monotony.
- It sucks to be in China when Duke plays Georgetown, the NFL playoffs are on and the inauguration are all in the same week.
- The smog here is insane. I don't know how they could let it get to this point. You can't see anywhere near as far as you should because it's so thick. Supposedly the government says it's fog, but that's BS.
- I miss being home with Gwen and watching The Office and Top Chef and all our usual stuff. Awwwww.
- Why did Dad always call mom "China"? That doesn't really make any sense.
- You can get certain things here ridiculously cheap. Some people are getting suits tailored for $65. Someone I know bought a cashmere jacket for $60. It seems like some people go out almost daily to go get stuff, but I haven't been.
- I slept awesome last night, hopefully I sleep through the night again tonight.
- I called down to the front desk to ask if a meal was covered by the program. The lady asked the concierge, came back on the phone and said "No, we don't have any mail for you" so I gave up. A friend of mine called down for chap-stick and they brought him up some chop-sticks.
- The afternoon snack today was octopus salad, boiled bonito and sushi. I skipped it.
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2 years ago
My friend had the same problem at he hotel. She called asking about breakfast or room service or something, and they had no clue what she was saying. They even transferred her to several people. She was not thrilled with China at all. She, too, bought tons of stuff. Purses, shoes, stuff like that. Apparently it's a great price, but you also have to bargain with them. I wouldn't be too good at that.
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