A blog dedicated to making 2009 the Best Year Ever.

Recipe #8 - Tomato Salsa (two ways)

| Thursday, January 8, 2009

I made this salsa with the vegetables I bought from Josh's Organic Garden.  The cilantro smelled too good to pass up, so I put this together.  Recipe was from How to Cook Everything, just like all the rest so far.

I've made a bunch of salsas and I think this one was probably as good as any.  It was nothing weird, just tomato, onion, cilantro, lime, garlic, salt, pepper and some jalapenos or something similar.  The recipe is deliberately vague for some things, letting you adjust the spices as you like.  

I made it two ways - the chunky pico de gallo way and then I also blended some of it to make a smooth version.  It was interesting how different the taste was of the blended version compared to the pico version.  The blended version had a more uniform taste and the pico version let you taste all the different elements.  Both Gwen and I preferred the chunky style.

Notes: Served with chicken.  Mixing with rice later on to try that too.

Modifications: Good as is.  If I wanted to make it blended I'd adjust a little, maybe some more tomato.

Make again? : Yes


mOnKeY said...

Your salsa looks and sounds yummy. I've made my own salsa creation before. I used to make it to throw on top of chicken whenever it was bland tasting. I would chop up red and green tomatoes, and red onion. I then added cilantro, salt, pepper, a tiny bit of olive oil and a little vinegar. I love the fresh taste of all the veggies and it really livened up the crappy chicken I made from time to time when I was in a hurry. I would suggest that each time you make it, make a decent size quantity and store it in a sealed container. It's the best thing to throw on meat, chicken, rice, fish, anything!

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